Nurturing Growth: The Similarities Between House Plant Care and Community Building

Adiel Cloud Nuesmeyer
5 min readMar 13, 2023

House plants have become increasingly popular over the years, not just because they add an aesthetic appeal to the home and give you a feeling of satisfaction when you see them thrive. If you’re anything like me, you amassed enough plants to consider your home an indoor jungle. As I spent time learning more and more about how to care for all of my many plants, I started to notice a similarity to some of the work I do as a community professional. Not only did I find myself in the midst of a community of plant parents, but I realized community and plant care have a handful of parallels. Read on to see a few ways that building and developing a community can be like taking care of your house plants and helping them thrive.

Some of my own indoor jungle

Patience is Key

One of the first similarities you may draw between taking care of house plants and building a community is the importance of patience. Just as it takes time for a plant to grow and thrive, it takes time for a community to develop and flourish. Plants require time, attention, and care to grow, and it can take weeks or even months before we see any visible changes. Similarly, building a community requires patience and time to establish relationships, trust, and support. Both require consistent effort and patience to yield positive results.

Consistent Effort is Necessary

Another similarity between taking care of house plants and building a community is the need for consistent effort. House plants require consistent care to thrive. Watering, fertilizing, pruning, and providing adequate sunlight are all essential to their growth and survival. Similarly, building a community requires consistent effort in the form of communication, collaboration, and support. Without consistent effort, relationships can wither away, and trust can be broken. Consistency is the key to both successful plant care and community building.

Tending to my plants

Individual Needs Must be Considered

One of the critical aspects of taking care of house plants is understanding the individual needs of each plant. Some plants require more sunlight, while others require more shade. Some plants require more water, while others require less. Your echeveria is going to be quite different from your calathea in terms of needs. Similarly, in building a community, it is important to recognize the unique needs of each individual. One person may require more emotional support, while another may need more practical assistance. By understanding the individual needs of each plant and community member, we can provide them with the care and support they require to thrive.

Support Networks are Vital

Support networks are crucial in both plant care and community building. House plants benefit from a support network of other plants, soil, and beneficial insects. Grouping plants together can also help create the humidity that many tropical plants need to thrive. In the same way, communities thrive when they have a support network of individuals who can offer help, advice, and encouragement. A support network can provide the necessary resources and knowledge to help plants grow and communities flourish.

Mistakes are Opportunities to Learn

Taking care of house plants is not without its challenges, and mistakes are bound to happen. Overwatering, underwatering, or exposure to pests are common mistakes made when caring for house plants. However, these mistakes provide an opportunity to learn and grow. In building a community, mistakes are also inevitable, and they can provide an opportunity for growth and development. Mistakes can lead to learning and understanding, which can strengthen the community and help it to grow.

By now I’m sure you’re starting to see the parallels, too, and maybe wondering why you hadn’t noticed it before. Taking care of house plants is strikingly similar to building and developing a healthy community. Both require patience, effort, and dedication to thrive. Both require an understanding of individual needs and a support network to help them grow. Both can benefit from mistakes, which can provide opportunities for learning and growth. Whether you are a plant parent or a community builder, these similarities can serve as a reminder of the importance of consistent effort, understanding, and support in nurturing growth and development. So next time you water, re-pot, or fertilize your plants, take a moment to reflect on the similarities between plant care and community building, and the valuable lessons they offer.

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​​About Adiel Cloud Nuesmeyer

Hi, I’m Adiel (she/her)! I’m a Sr. Director of Community Development, leading a team of 13 to connect with our customers — as well as form connections between them. My professional superpower is being able to glean insights and features from engaging 1:1 with customers — because I truly care about them and the community​.

When I’m not leading the charge (and teaching others how to lead their *own* charge), I can be found driving my kids to umpteen gymnastics practices, tending to a literal indoor jungle of household plants while watching the Utah Jazz — and pretending I don’t see my husband talking about buying a 5th grill. Yes, a *5th* grill, lol. I’d love to connect with other passionate professionals and mission-driven organizations on LinkedIn!



Adiel Cloud Nuesmeyer

Sr. Director, GTM @ Poshmark | Community Builder | People Connector | Project Leader | Passionate Mentor | Authenticity Advocate | Plant Lover